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Articles by University of Agriculture

Edible vaccines to combat Infectious Bursal Disease of poultry

Published on: 9th November, 2018

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7912354080

Poultry industry is a domineering section of agriculture sector in the world as it provides meat, income and employment. Of the poultry industry, broiler chicken is dominating, as US export was more than 41 billion pounds of chicken (about 16.5 percent of production) in 2017 [1]. In Pakistan, the poultry industry contributes around 1.4 percent to the GDP and 31 percent to total meat production [2]. The global demand for this meat is rising in developing world including Pakistan. To meet the needs, rearing of poultry at both domestic and commercial levels is imperative [3]. However, the industry faces a lot of constraints, preventing it from reaching its maximal potential.
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